
  • 開館時間:
  • 星期一 ~ 五 8:00~17:00  (106/10/1起取消夜間開館,中午照常開放)
  • 星  期   六日閉館(105年1月1日起)


  • 題名:Essential step-by-step techniques for minimally invasive spinal surgery
  • 作者:Roger Hartl , Rodrigo Navarro-Ramirez
  • 分類號:WE725
  • 作者號:H331
  • ISBN:9781684200092
  • 語文別:English
  • 出版項:New York : Thieme , 2022
  • 版本項:1st ed.
  • 簡介:

    【E006619】The foundation of the book is built on six interacting principles critical to surgical success, and MISS in particular: Target, Technology, Technique, Teaching and Training, Testing, and Talent. The text starts with an opening chapter on the definition of MISS and introduction of these principles. Fifty-six subsequent chapters provide a comprehensive discussion on how to utilize an MISS approach for a full spectrum of spinal pathologies using nuanced variations specific to the operating surgeon. To ensure readers are well versed in all aspects of MISS, these chapters include painstaking details on indications, contraindications, pathoanatomy, operating room set-up, step-by-step techniques, and postoperative management.